A Calgary Transit operator was injured after being struck by a vehicle in Fairmount following a “road rage incident” on ...
The bus barn, which will house the city’s transit fleet, will be built on two city-owned parcels, including a 74-acre piece ...
The motion from Ward 3 Coun. Jasmine Mian explores several Calgary Transit service changes like extending the time a fare is ...
Fifteen different ways to improve the Calgary Transit user experience will be presented to city council’s executive committee ...
Millions are already being spent on boosting transit safety, but suggestions could see longer valid fares and better real-time information.
The Calgary Transit system operates bus routes and a light-rail system (the CTrain) throughout the city. Both options are easy to navigate and very reliable, allowing you to get around the city ...
In a confidential letter to municipalities, Public Safety Minister Mike Ellis asked for deployment of peace officers to be ...
Calgary’s multibillion-dollar transit project that was approved last week. That transit would flow through a station on the edge of downtown appeared a sure bet before the Alberta government said last ...
Existing bus-rapid transit isn’t as frequent as light-rail transit, and the Green Line is unlikely to reach Calgary’s deep southeast for at least another decade. This mismatch between the city ...
But Bill Black, president of the Calgary Construction Association, said he worries real estate investment that hinged on the transit line will flee if the station isn’t in near-term plans for ...