By contrast, in Talmei Eliyahu, Sde Nitzan, Ohad, and Tzohar, the closest homes to the Gaza fence are 7.126 kilometers (4.44 miles) away — just 138 yards too far east to be eligible. In Talmei ...
The military leadership acknowledges that it was locked into a misperception of the Palestinian Islamist movement, seeing it ...
The probes are expected to find that the military had an over-reliance for security visa vise Gaza on its multi-billion dollar, ultra hi-tech border fence.
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A force from the Netzah Yehuda Battalion was called late one night last week to the fence on the Gaza Border after a lookout spotted a suspicious individual lying down and apparently attempting to ...
‘We will not allow 2 million Nazis to live just beyond the fence,’” he said, referring to Palestinians. “Not too long ago, it was taboo to speak about people leaving Gaza, but now the ...
NPR traveled with Jordan's military on a recent helicopter flight delivering aid to the Gaza Strip, part of a test program since the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas went into effect last month.