There are discrete steps to set a combine to minimize grain loss and damage when harvesting corn, including ... diameter of shelled cobs from the field to be harvested. “I want whole cobs ...
Whether you suffered through the derecho in the upper Corn Belt, hail and wind throughout the eastern Corn Belt or endured another event that zeroed out your harvest potential, it’s time to ...
In most fields, corn residue remaining after grain harvest is incorporated into the soil with tillage or is left on the soil surface. But corn residue is also becoming a commodity. It’s being ...
Good safety habits are vital for anyone who operates a combine, corn picker or other grain harvesting ... machinery into top operating condition for a safe harvest. It is easy to see obstacles in a ...
These diseases are insidious, and often growers are unaware of their effects until harvest. Low levels of stalk rot occur in nearly every corn field in Delaware, and severity and incidence varies from ...