There is so much more to be done." "I was hoping to find no evidence of corruption of the science at CDC. Maybe in hearing it from me, members of the public might be reassured and it might help ...
If confirmed I was planning on going back into the CDC database and quietly investigate this claim. Ironically, I was hoping to find no evidence of corruption of the science at CDC. Maybe in ...
Weldon said he planned to review a CDC database to investigate whether ... Weldon said he would do so in hopes of finding “no evidence of corruption” and improving the agency’s image.
The agency's leadership was informed of the decision Friday in a verbal notice from the Department of Health and Human Services.
“If confirmed, I was planning on going back into the CDC database and quietly investigate this claim,” Weldon said in his statement. “Ironically, I was hoping to find no evidence of ...
New information technology has been adopted in development of the system which is being conducted by the Corruption Deterrence Centre (CDC), he said. "The work of deterring corruption in large ...
The CDC alone will lose roughly 1,300 workers ... NIH employees on Day 1 in an effort to root out what he describes as “corruption” at the agency.
State Audit Office (SAO) and Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) have agreed to work together to audit large-scale government procurement projects for any signs of policy-oriented ...
The White House abruptly abandoned the nomination of Dave Weldon, the former Florida congressman who questioned vaccine safety, to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday amid ...