The bolus dose feature allows the user to program ... so the infusion was stopped and the patient was given a rescue dose of IV calcium. Lab results confirmed a supratherapeutic magnesium blood ...
40% bolus 4 g, continued by 1 g/hour and nifedipine 10 mL every 20 min four times to treat the condition. MgSO 4 is the main treatment for pre-eclampsia as anticonvulsant which works in the ...
Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2008;65(24):2347-2357. Administer medications via the oral route when possible. Determine the enteral feeding tube size (e.g., small bore or large bore), insertion site (e ...
A 14-year-old young adult took an overdose of 1.2 g of fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that he had been prescribed for depression. He had a generalised tonic/clonic seizure ...
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