The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Alain Berset, has welcomed the announcements of Armenia and Azerbaijan on the ...
The Council of Europe fully supports the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan," the statement reads.
Walter Schwimmer - a visionary for European unity in the face of multiple challenges and steadfast defender of our human rights values - passed away ...
PanARMENIAN.Net - During a phone conversation, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Council of Europe Secretary General Alain ...
"The Italian Government will continue to support the normalization process to foster peace and stability in the region," the ...
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had a telephone call with Secretary General of the Council of Europe Alain Berset, the government press service reported.<br /> ...
Earlier, Pashinyan stated that the strategic goal of adopting the new Constitution is to transition from the “relic period” ...
Le Gouvernement des Pays-Bas a accordé une contribution volontaire de 80 000 € pour soutenir les droits humains et l'égalité ...
Le chef de l'Etat se rend à Strasbourg ce mardi pour présider une cérémonie d'hommage aux victimes du terrorisme. Un déplacement dans le cadre de la 21ème journée européenne en mémoire des victimes du ...
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Alain Berset, has welcomed the announcements of Armenia and Azerbaijan on the ...
Le socialiste Roger Nordmann va quitter le Conseil national après 20 ans au plus haut niveau de la politique fédérale. Il aura voté plus de 22’600 textes de loi sous la Coupole. Aujourd'hui, le Vaudoi ...