In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...
But this is the worst thing you can do for your bougainvillea.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has recommended eating invasive species to help save habitats from these unwanted animals.
Plants grow fast in Florida, so plant appropriately. There will be many hard-to-find native plants available. Oak trees provide a prime ecological benefit. The available myrtle oak is a shorter ...
Wanting to add some new plants to your yard? Duval County's master gardeners will offer expert advice at their annual plant sale on March 15.
Kentucky’s new license year begins March 1, which is also the unofficial start of spring fishing. Anglers are getting their ...
Hearing that humming next to you? If you catch a quick enough glance, you might be able to spot a hummingbird buzzing around ...
Melbourne is a city on Florida's east coast that makes a fun beach getaway, especially if you want to avoid the crowds.
Before Machu Pichu, before Europeans arrived in Florida in 1513, and going back to the end of the last ice age, Native ...
Agrihoods are the latest development trend in Northeast Florida. Green Cove Springs will see two coming to the area, bringing ...
With Florida’s bat maternity season fast approaching, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is urging ...
On March 1st, locals are asked to come out and help stop the spread of invasive plants at six Northeast Florida locations.