Both climate change and human activities significantly impact the oceans by causing global warming, sea level rise, acidification, pollution, altered ...
Scientists have spent a lot of time thinking about how the nutrients in whale feces—also known as whale pump —benefit species ...
“Beyond urine, whale carcasses also serve as nutrient deposits. When a whale dies, its massive body sinks to the ocean floor, ...
In a nutshell Migrating baleen whales transport thousands of tons of nutrients from cold, nutrient-rich feeding grounds to ...
One of the key reasons to cruise Alaska is to visit the island-studded Inside Passage which, put simply, can’t be reached by ...
Now we can add whale urine to that list, according to a paper published in the journal Nature Communications. “Lots of people ...
New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, ...
New research has shown that whales ferry substantial quantities of nutrients for thousands of miles in their urine and other ...
Baleen whales undertake some of the longest migrations of any mammal, traveling thousands of miles between nutrient-rich ...
Concerns have been brewing in recent days as word of large-scale layoffs at NOAA and its sister branch the National Weather ...
Scientists have discovered that whales move nutrients thousands of miles -- in their urine -- from as far as Alaska to Hawaii. These tons of nitrogen support the health of tropical ecosystems and fish ...
Whales are not just big, they're a big deal for healthy oceans. When they poop, whales move tons of nutrients from deep water to the surface. Now new ...