Xiaomi has launched the Redmi 14C 5G in India, featuring a 6.88-inch HD+ display, Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 processor, and a 50MP dual camera.
The OnePlus 12R is currently available at a discounted price of Rs 39,999, offering premium features and performance at a budget. However, with the imminent launch of the OnePlus 13 series, is it a ...
T he OnePlus flagship is finally launching tomorrow, January 7, 2025, globally with some eye-catching upgrades. OnePlus 13 ...
The Redmi 14C 5G is the company's latest entry-level smartphone. It packs a Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 chip and a 5160mAh battery.
Realme will launch the Realme 14 Pro in India on January 16. The series will feature four color options: Pearl White, Suede ...