Although cost-related asthma treatment nonadherence has declined in the US, nearly 1 in 6 patients are still nonadherent due to cost concerns.
Faster post-COVID-19 recovery is observed after infection with the Omicron vs earlier variants, regardless of vaccination status.
Individuals in the lowest quintile of birth weight appear to have an increased risk for subsequent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Engaging in any physical activity is associated with a reduced risk for cancer progression and all-cause mortality.
Tezepelumab did not significantly decrease moderate or severe COPD exacerbations compared with placebo, the COURSE trial found.
The United States Food and Drug Administration has authorized the marketing of 20 ZYN nicotine pouch products.
Alone and in combination with other lower respiratory tract disease signs and symptoms, dyspnea is the best predictor of severe RSV outcomes.
Individuals with advanced breast cancer at diagnosis are more likely to have prevalent cardiovascular disease.