Southstone has granted Afrium shareholders a 2.5% net smelter return royalty (“ NSR ”) on the Licenses, with an option for Southstone to repurchase each 0.5% of the NSR at any time for C$1.5 M to a ...
Notwithstanding growing international criticism, an overwhelming majority of Batswana support the continued use of the death ...
In closing, over time, South Africa’s international trade has grown. From R1.3trl to R2.0trl, the countries’ total exports ...
My first time on safari in Africa is as magic as it looks in the movies. Before I stepped foot on the flight to Zimbabwe, ...
WWF scientists have helped identify six areas in KAZA that are critical to the movement of wildlife across national borders, focusing on three corridors where wildlife populations and their habitats ...
The anti-corruption organisation, Transparency International (TI), has classified Mozambique, for the second year running, in 146th position out of 180 countries ranked according to indicators of ...
Africa Tourism Partners (ATP), a distinguished Pan-African tourism development, business advisory, and consulting firm, is ...
Africa Tourism Partners (ATP), a distinguished Pan-African tourism development, business advisory, and consulting firm, has ...
Make America Great Again is the motto on newly elected Republican president Donald Trump’s cap. And to achieve his goal, ...
Were you told that gold mining in southern Africa started after 1852 ? Or that the export of iron, steel, copper and gold began in the late 19th cent ...
With the formation of this ocean, Africa's map will be redrawn, and its ecosystem will undergo demographic changes.