Kun and his brother Istvan survived Auschwitz in part due to the fact that Dr. Mengele believed them to be twins and thus ...
„Schüler von Dr. Mengele“, „Nazis im Geiste“ und „Coronazis“ – so bezeichnete Peter Freitag, Mitorganisator von ...
British politicians are united over increasing “defence” spending. Keir Starmer, the Tories, the Lib Dems and Nigel Farage’s ...
Renee Salt's mother managed to stay by her daughter's side throughout the horrors of their interment in two Nazi death camps ...
Zehntausende KZ-Häftlinge sah er nur als Experimentiermaterial für seine barbarischen Versuche. Ausgerechnet ihm gelang die ...
Der Baptistenpfarrer und Nobelpreisträger Martin Luther King jr. ist der charismatische Anführer der schwarzen Bürgerrechtsbewegung in den USA. Doch er wird verfolgt: von einem mordlüsternen Weißen.
Then-President Abraham Lincoln was sent a list of the potential executions and sent back a list of 39 to die (later amended to 38). All 38 of these men were hanged. It would later be revealed that two ...
Estimates for how many Nazis settled in the country range from between about 5,000 to as many as 12,000, and their ranks included Adolf Eichmann, one of the main architects of the Holocaust, and the ...