Alabama leaders, however, say they are doing what the voters want and are confident the laws will be upheld by the courts.
Texas Republican senators are seeking to pass bills which would require the Ten Commandments displayed in classrooms or allow ...
"Our nation is historically a Christian nation," Zuiderveld told the Times-News. Public schools could soon be required to display the Ten Commandments ...
BOISE — A bill to require the prominent display of the Ten Commandments in all Idaho public schools was introduced Friday ...
A bill to require the prominent display of the Ten Commandments in all Idaho public schools was introduced Friday with no discussion.
A new bill introduced in the state house this week could require all public schools in Georgia to display the Ten ...
A new bill in the Idaho Legislature would require all public schools to display the Ten Commandments. The proposal marks an effort from Christian Republican lawmakers in the state to push religion ...
Legislation has advanced that would return the granite Ten Commandments monument given to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in ...
The Historical Education Displays Act, a new Senate proposal, would give school boards the ability to put the Ten Commandments in public classrooms.
The Historical Education Displays Act, a new Senate proposal, would give school boards the ability to put the Ten Commandments in public classrooms.