Many have wondered about this commandment: how can one not covet in your heart, a nice thing, which is goodly in his eyes?
The Decalogue, which most people mistakenly call “The Ten Commandments,” is contained in the fifth Exodus biblical portion, Yitro, which Moses repeats with many changes in the fifth chapter of ...
Hezekiah ben Manoah, also known as Chizkuni ha-Chizkuni, who lived in the 13th century in the region of France/Provence, in ...
If passed, House Joint Resolution 15 would include the monument’s installation on the new state capitol grounds.
A new proposal from the Ohio Senate would allow school districts to display the Ten Commandments inside public schools. Senate Bill 34, also called the Historical Educational Displays Act ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Public schools could post the Ten Commandments in each classroom under a new Ohio Senate bill. Senate Bill 34 is likely to renew arguments over the separation of church and state ...
Legislation has advanced that would return the granite Ten Commandments monument given to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in ...
Legislation has been filed which would return the granite Ten Commandments monument, given to the Commonwealth of Kentucky ...
Senate Bill 34 would require school boards to place at least one of nine historical documents — among them the Ten Commandments — in each classroom. The other documents, which include the ...