The deadliest air accident ever in South Korea killed 179 people on Sunday, when an airliner belly-landed and skidded off the ...
A video captured the moment a Jeju Air Boeing 737-800 crashed while landing at Muan international airport in South Korea on Sunday.
Ukrainian special forces have released several excerpts from a diary purportedly found on a North Korean soldier killed ...
全球人壽28日舉辦庭聚生活講堂「好險有你─陳傑憲」名人激勵論壇,邀請世界12強棒球錦標賽中表現優異的球員陳傑憲,與知名體育主播張立群進行對談分享,傳遞中華隊奮勇力搏的精神。陳傑憲暢談棒球甘苦談、12強賽事從不被看好到拿下世界冠軍的心路歷程,以及對棒球 ...
預賽成績吊車尾以第8種子通過晉級線,嘉義大學繼首戰力克頭號種子南華大學後,今(29)日又棒打台灣體大,首局海灌6分帶頭下,7局打完就以11:0「扣倒」地主,跟上開南大學、輔仁大學腳步收穫2連勝。 台灣體大推出王牌側投呂昱廷先發,但是他狀態不佳,只投0 ...
Pete Hegseth, candidate for secretary of defense, should not be appointed due to his history of Islamaphobia and promotion of ...
生活中心/綜合報導許多公司會在一年結束之際,舉辦尾牙慰勞辛苦員工,大型規模企業的豪華尾牙舞台、菜單,以及抽獎環節,更成為每年最受關注話題,沒想到近日就有一張疑似大廠「聯發科」尾牙菜單在網路流傳,其中菜色「白飯」被列在整排餐點當中,就讓不少網友看了瞪大 ...
How the U.S. does under Donald Trump's upcoming leadership is irrelevant. The moral cost of getting there has already been ...
Biden reportedly thinks he shouldn't have dropped out while members of his own party see his insistence to continue his campaign as a reason for Kamala Harris's loss.
After reports emerged he has got thinner behind bars, Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is said to have had a “meltdown” in prison over ...
Two of the deadliest driving offences were spotted at a police checkpoint, with another having their vehicle seized.
南韓 濟州航空 編號7C2216班機29日墜毀於務安機場,機上181人僅2名空服員獲救,其餘179人推斷已全數罹難。濟州航空中午召開記者會,代表理事 金梨培 (Kim E-bae)帶領高層鞠躬道歉,對乘客及罹難者家屬致上最深切哀悼及歉意。